Real Life High Fidelity
* This is a lame story of my lame night last Tuesday. It might not be a good story but it is something that amused me. If you haven't seen the movie High Fidelity then this might not make sense to you. Also, I suggest checking it out. You can borrow the DVD from us if you want.
* So, last Tuesday I had about 2 hours to kill between work and a meeting I had to attend in Eagan. I hung around work for awhile, got some gas, ran to Target and still only killed off an hour. So I decided to check out a store near the Eagan Target. I think the store is called Mind's Eye Comics (couldn't find a website). So I decided to check it out. The store is kinda dumpy and lacks some organization but it was cool to see lots of old toys and video games I used to have when I was a kid. There was 3 guys working. Actually they weren't really doing much work, just sitting around. One guy (I think the owner) was surfing the net, the other was reading a comic book and the third was playing with a couple GI Joes, seriously. I walked around a bit and I decided to ask the owner if a Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin action figure I have still new in the box was worth anything. He replied with a very annoyed/snoty tone to his voice with "yeah, for about 2 days after his death was all over the news." I was annoyed. I'm the only customer in the store, the guy isn't busy and they're not doing anything. I walked around a bit more and started to think about how these 3 guys in this type of store remind me of Rob, Dicky and Barry in the record store called Top 5 Records in the movie High Fidelity. I'll explain more later. So, I decided to bug these guys a little bit more. I noticed they didn't have any of my favorite action figures from my youth. They were called M.A.SK. and they were the bomb back in the day. The vehicles could change into something else (car into jet for example) and there was a cartoon too. Good times. I asked the guy reading a comic: "Do you have any M.A.S.K. toys?" and he says: "You'll have to ask Gary." Well, Gary is standing right next to him and just looks at me. So I slightly turn my head to the right and ask it again: "Do you have any M.A.S.K. toys?" Gary says: "nope" and the owner said some more smart ass stuff about GI Joes vs M.A.S.K toys and that kind of junk which I mostly ignored. I walked around another minute or so and as I left said in a sarcastic voice "sorry to bug you guys." YES! I totally got them back. Really though, I don't know why I was annoyed, I really didn't care about good customer service at a store like that and I had no intention to buy anything.

Anyway, so once that little experience ended it definitely had the feel of the 3 guys working in Top 5 Records in the movie High fidelity. They often act as if the customers aren't important to them. They mess around a make fun of customers who don't seem to have the vast knowledge of music that they think they have. It's very funny and like I said, if you haven't seen it check it out.
I like it. If I didnt have a life I'd go there with you and mess with them about Thundercats.
I would have hit them with the "jerk store" comment. That would'a taught them bastards.
I would have hit them with the "jerk store" comment. That would'a taught them bastards.
I would have hit them with the "jerk store" comment. That would'a taught them bastards.
I would have hit them with the "jerk store" comment. That would'a taught them bastards.
Then I would have hit them with the "jerk store" comment. That would'a taught them bastards.
Happy new year!
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