My 'summer is over' Post
* Sucks that summer is over already. This one went by way faster then last summer I think.
* Played a lot of rounds of DG this summer. It was fun and I feel like I'm still improving. Set personal best scores at 3 or 4 courses which is fun. I also took 2nd place AMs division in a tournament taking home $60.
* Got up to our cabin and a few other cabins a bunch. Lots of fishing this summer. Highlight was catching a 4lb 10oz Northern right as a storm rolled in. I snapped a couple pics and we raced home.
* Henry is getting bigger of course. He has 2 teeth now and he is lots of fun to play with since he can sit up and play with toys now.
* I sold some games and got Madden 08 for 360. 2 weeks later the game got scratched really bad and doesn't work anymore. What a waste. Halo 3 comes out in 3 weeks though so that makes up for it.
* If you haven't heard we're in the process of getting ready to sell our house and move. If you ask me I would say things are going smoothly at this point, but Mandy would disagree.
* Fall league Ultimate starts this Sunday. Should be fun to play some Ulti again.
* Thats all for now, figured I should post since it was over a month. Bye bye.
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I like the fact that simply because Halo 3 is coming out, you are willing to forgive the fact that a $60 game got ruined for no good reason. I'm about to trade in that $60 game for $33 credit because, frankly, video game football is lame.
You lie. Video game football kicks, you just suck at it. I also feel bad after Andy posted this that his Xbox died. Another thing that Mandy probably disagrees with.
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