Friday, January 27, 2006

Bye, Bye Wally

* T-Wolves pulled off a trade. I'm liking it for the most part. Ricky Davis has numbers equal to or better then Wally's numbers. Blount is an improvement over Kandi. Check out the details here: I just hate that we lost another 1st round pick.

* Xbox Live is so fun. I love playing Halo 2 and PGR 2. Anyone else out there play on Live?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm Alive

* My surgery was last Tuesday and things went well. I survived. I also got to keep the screws from my first surgery since they had to come out. Doc says, I re-tore it right in the middle of my ACL which takes the longest to heal. It heals from the outside to the middle. So it just kinda snapped apart when I kicked out my leg at Nationals.

* Doc also suggested to take extra time off this year from competitive Ultimate. He suggested 8-9 months post-op, so that pretty much covers the whole season. I have taken his advice and decided to miss the entire 2006 Sub Zero season. Hopefully 2007 will be a triumphant return to SZ for me.

* The week after surgery has been very uneventful. I got Xbox Live and played Halo 2 a lot. Also, watched movies and TV while I was laid up. I had a some visitors over the week and our cats kept me form going insane.

* Rehab starts tomorrow. I'm going back to the same person as last time. First day might be tough but it should get a lot better after that.

* This weekend is the work holiday party downtown. We get free dinner, limo, drinks, hotel and some kinda show. Last year it was hecka fun. Should be just as fun this year.

Friday, January 13, 2006

NBA All-Stars

* The voting for Western Conference starting forwards is a close race. Our boy KG is in 3rd right now and we need him to be first or second.
Tracy McGrady (Hou.) 1,421,456
Tim Duncan (S.A.) 1,071,115
Kevin Garnett (Min.) 1,064,512

Vote here:

* It'd be sad to see him not starting for the first time in a long time. Go vote.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Another Post About My Knees

* Got the results back from my left knee MRI. As I suspected, I have a tear in my left knee meniscus. I'm pretty sure I damaged that on a various plays (that I can remember) in the 2003 season. I have been able to deal with for the last two years, but its been causing a lot of pain especially since I have had to rely on it more while rehab my right knee. Anyway, it looks like I'll have that operated on sometime in April or May. Need to get this right knee fixed and somewhat strong before I get my left knee fixed up. Overall this sucks big time.

* With my 2nd ACL tear some people have asked me if I'm going to "retire" from playing Ultimate. I have no intentions of retiring from high level club Ultimate. But, now I am seriously considering taking the whole 2006 season off and trying out in 2007. My other choice is to try and come back sometime in late-Aug or early-Sept. I'm sure sometime soon I will write a post going more into detail about this decision.

* I'm a huge T-Wolves fan and I try to stay positive even when things are bad. Remember the days before KG? We sucked then like we suck right now. Something needs to change. Is our team rebuilding or trying to make the playoffs? Right now we're in NBA Purgatory. We're not in good position for a draft pick or to make the playoffs at this point. We need a trade or we need some players to step it up. Something definitely needs to change. There is 50 games left and its hard to say how we'll end up.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Parking tickets from St. Cloud?

* Two posts in two days. I'm crazy.

* You peps from SCSU might enjoy this and can maybe relate. So, over the last 6 months I have got about 3 letters saying I owe $80 for "fees". The penalty for not paying these stated that if I don't pay my fines I will not receive my diploma. Well as most of you know I graduated in summer 2003 and yes did receive my diploma. I obviously ignored these letters and laughed at them. Then I got one recently that said I only owed $20 but if I don't pay the MN Collections Division will come "hunt me down". (Seriously for $20!?!?!?). So I e-mail SCSU billing to find out what this is all about. They tell me that the original $80 in fines were from four parking tickets. Check out the dates for them: 12/04/01; 02/04/02; 02/05/02; 02/20/03. Yeah, that's right late 2001 through early 2003. Close to 2 years before I graduated on the first one. So, they knocked off the first three since I was ignoring the original letters and want me to pay $20. $20 isn't a big deal but I decide to ask why I should pay those since they are so old and I already have my diploma. Here is the response: In answer to your question, parking charges were not entered in the Accounts Receivable at the time of your graduation. It is for this reason you were able to receive your diploma. I would recommend that you pay the $20.00 especially since three charges were removed - in other words, you are still getting a deal. WOW!!! Thanks for such a great "deal" SCSU. Should I pay $20 because it took you almost two years to enter parking charges in to the system? I don't think so, you snooze you lose. I know it is only $20 and I'm sure I'll pay it, but its kinda weak. I asked them to prove to me that those were tickets on my car(s) that I had during those times. Now I'm making them look up the old tickets and check with the DMV to see what vehicles those tickets were given to. Overall though, this is a bunch of crap.

* First league basketball game tonight. Good luck to the boys playing. I will not be in attendance since I am going to my 6th T-Wolves game tonight. Word.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Talker Tuesday

* Its "Talker Tuesday" on KFAN so I'll make it that on my blog for today.

* My 3 1/2 day weekend was pretty good. Watched a bunch of movies. Mandy's birthday went well and was fun even though I was kinda sick. I also spent a lot of my gift cards on clothes and shoes.

* Another thing I did over the weekend was beat Half-Life 2 on Xbox. I beat it on normal in all it took about 13 hours. I may try to be it on hard but I think I'll die a lot more and it could take close to 20 hours. I play mostly FPS games so I compare them often. Half-Life 2 is the best FPS game that I've played since Halo and Halo 2. Lots of cool weapons and maps. Some good gore too. Can't go wrong buying this one. Another good Xbox game I have played recently is Starwars Battlefronts. Its fun cause there is non stop action. I'm hoping to try the sequel soon. Also, still no Xbox 360s at Best Buy. Would be nice to get one before my surgery. I just want to be able to go to Best Buy and pick-one up instead of having to hope they got some in recently.

* 2 weeks from today is my ACL reconstruction surgery on my right knee. Actually, its 10:45am right now so exactly two weeks from now I should be out of surgery and in recovery one.

* Today I have an MRI on my left knee. Basically I'm looking to start 2006 by getting my knees fixed up and hopefully back to normal.

* Last week since work was slow I played some games on Miniclips. I challenged both AJ and DK to play the disc golf one. DK had the best score of 52 but I finally beat that last Friday by shooting a 51. Try and beat it if you're bored.

* Mike Tice is gone. I didn't like or dislike Tice. It just seems weird that he was let go with a winning record this year. But, I guess that's what we do to our coaches in Minnesota. Gardy's lucky he didn't get fired for going 83-79. Maybe Jaques Lemaire is next? Most likely since the Wild are above .500 right now.

* Speaking of coaches. I feel the same way about Dwyane Casey as I did about Tice. Sometimes I feel like he makes some mistakes but does well to fix them. It just might cost the Wolves a few wins which sucks. At 14-14 right now they'll be lucky to end this week above .500. Playing Dallas twice and San Antonio. Someone besides Wally and KG need to step up. Otherwise those two should go for 30+ each every game.

* Well, that's about it for my Talker Tuesday. At least I killed about 30 minutes at work, nice.