Thursday, March 23, 2006

Work Is Crazy

* Work has been crazy busy so I haven't posted in awhile. Maybe I'll post something creative soon.

* One other note is that I read a blog of someone I know. He is a frisbee player and when I read his blog I thought he sounded really dumb. So, that makes me a little nervous about continuing to post on my blog. I mean I don't want to sound any more dumb than I already do.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Block Party

* Going to see Dave Chappelle's Block Party tonight. Should be funny. I would be very suprised if its not funny. That trailer is hilarious.

* The basketball team that I organized for this winter is doing ok. League is in Eagan. They are 5-3 with two more regular season games left. I believe we are still in the running for the championship. I've only watched 3 games but the team looks pretty good. I hope I can get healthy and play with these guys next year.

* Fantasy Basketball I'm in 2nd place. Fantasy Hockey I'm in 3rd place. Things are looking good for me to make the playoffs in both as the seasons coming to an end. Booyah.