Thursday, July 26, 2007


* Random thought. It really sucked working at ShopKo during college. I worked on the totally awesome East ShopKo in St. Cloud from Sept 2002 to July 2003. It seems like I was there longer then that though. Maybe Sept of 2001? I worked as an MST member. Maintenance and Service Team. Mainly just unloaded trucks, stocked shelves and helped with heavier items. The worst thing was working 2pm-10pm and then going back 7 hours later 5am-1pm shift. Those were bad days. The worst day came one year when I had to work the Friday after Thanksgiving. I worked that day 5am-1pm and it was for sure one of the worst work days in my life. Totally chaotic with what seemed like millions of people shopping that day. Thank God I am still not working there.