Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Captain Ninja

* I guess I tend to post a lot more when work is slow. I don't have much for this new post but here is a few things.

* This weekend is College Regionals. 1 team out of 16 gets to go to Nationals. Man, thats tough. Good luck to Luckydog, they're in as the 9th seed. DK and I are planning to compete in the Foosball regional tournament in the beginners doubles division. Never done this, should be intresting.

* Here is my superhero profile. I'm The CaptainNinja. I suggest others to do it (link at bottom) and post what they are in the comments section. Then I can have something else to look at while at work. So, check this out:
Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Captain Ninja

Your Superpower is Winking

Your Weakness is Snakes

Your Weapon is Your Magnetic Saw

Your Mode of Transportation is Camel

Saturday, April 22, 2006


* Went disc golfing with Todd, AJ and Erik today. We played at Plymouth Creek. It was my first time there. I Ace'd #4. It was awesome. My first Ace ever. We played 2 rounds. I finished +4 both times. If I could have took my best score from each hole and made it into one round I would been at E or even under. Example on hole #4 I took the 1 and then next time I took a 3.

* We also had a little softball practice. I took BP and threw a bit. Couldn't really run down any fly balls though. I'll probably be able to bat in the games and maybe play a little catcher for the first month or so.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

1st and 3rd

* Not that it really means much but I took 1st place in fantasy hockey and 3rd place in fantasy basketball. It is more fun when you do well for sure.

* Newest Xbox 360 game = Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. A first person RPG that is really cool. The game is just huge in terms of where you can take your character and other things that makes it really dynamic. I showed it to Jordan and he thought it was so cool he bought it for PC. I highly recommend this game if you like RPGs.

* I wish Mad Dog could have made one of those 3s he was jacking up last night. The crowd woulda gone crazy. Hopefully the Wolves are NEVER AGAIN in a situation were it is "ok" for Mark Madsen to be shooting 3s.

* The Ultimate season is very close to starting. I'm beginning to wonder how depressed it'll make me feel when I realize all my teammates are competing once again. 2006 could be the best Sub Zero season yet and I hate thinking about missing it.

* The one positive about missing this season will be having a lot more time to go to the cabin. In a couple weeks we go and get the cabin "summer ready" and I'll consider that the official start of summer.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I Suck

* Daylight saving time kinda sucks. I was at the bar and then all of a sudden it was 3am. At least there is more time to do outside stuff now.

* I sucked in all 4 of my NCAA brackets. 16 chances to have final four teams. I had 1 TOTAL! F that. Also, the championship game is not entertaining. That's why I am writing this right now.

* I suck at poker. I play about once every 4 months and I never do well. Played with the Jack High league dudes. I got knocked out pretty early, before the 3 tables got consolidate to 2 tables. That is not good.

* I suck at Rehabing my knee. I admit that I haven't kept up with it as much as I did last time around. But it's harder this time, I don't feel like I have much to come back for right now. I'm going to be doing some more at the Institute for Athletic Medicine so that should help me keep at it.

* Even though I suck at a lot of things I'm in a good mood so that's cool.

* Twins start tomorrow. Pretty pumped. Hope the new guys step it up.