* Mandy and I were talking because we've seen a lot of movies lately. I decided to look up all the movies released in 2006 that I watched with her and/or friends and a few solo. I rated them using the 5 star rating system and gave a couple comments. Here is my list:
Hostel (DVD) **** OK. I might get flamed for that rating, but it is highly entertaining w/the excessive gore. I even bought it on DVD and actually watched it 4 or 5 times this year.
Glory Road (DVD) ** We bought it up at the video store by the cabin for cheap. It's a solid b-ball movie but not nearly as good as Hoosiers or Coach Carter (yes, that is a good movie).
Underworld: Evolution (DVD) *** I was a huge fan of the first one, this one I missed in the theatres but bought it when it came out. Cool sequel and Kate
Beckinsale is hot.
Eight Below (On Demand) ** Yes its a Disney movie but it was entertaining.
16 Blocks (On Demand) *** Was better then I expected and I like Mos Def in this film.
Dave Chappelle's Block Party (Theatre) ***
Chappelle was funny as usual and the music in the movie is really good, but thought they could made it a little longer with some more of
Chappelle's humor.
V For Vendetta (Theatre) ***** One of my
favs of the year. All around good movie and I still need to add it to the DVD collection.
Inside Man (On Demand) *** Surprised to see that Spike Lee directed this when we started watching. It wasn't as good as the preview made it seem though.
Lucky Number Slevin (DVD) **** Some good action and a nice plot twist to make it a solid movie.
Mission: Impossible III (Theatre) *** The action and stunts were good enough to make this movie worth seeing.
The Da Vinici Code (Theatre, DVD) *** I didn't read this book and I was even told before hand by a few people that I wouldn't understand the movie without reading the book. I didn't find that to be true but it was nice that Mandy had read to tell me some of the stuff they changed/left out. It was an OK movie but maybe hyped too much.
X-Men: The Last Stand (Theatre) **** I'm a huge X-Men fan and was pumped when this finally came out. Overall it was pretty good but I think I like the 2
nd one best in the trilogy and like V For Vendetta still haven't bought this on DVD.
The Break Up (DVD) ** Some funny parts. Funny because
Ralphie from A Christmas Story is in this movie.
Nacho Libre (DVD) * Worst movie of 2006 (that I saw). Both Mandy and I wanted to turn it off but neither of us had the guts to say anything until after we finished it.
Superman Returns (On Demand) ** I felt kinda lost in this. I guess it might have helped to watch the old Superman movies first??? There was some cool parts but nothing that blew me away.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Theatre) *
POTC 2 was then 2
nd worst movie that I saw of 2006. Too bad cause the first one was pretty cool. Funny thing is I probably will still see the 3rd one just to see what happens.
You, Me & Dupree (Theatre) ** I think we saw this at the cheap seats. One of those romantic comedies that had some funny parts.
Clerks II (On Demand) ** Didn't need to make a sequel to Clerks. I think anyone who enjoys Kevin Smith movies was asking why make a sequel? Well, he did it anyway and it wasn't very good but had some funny parts (how many times I have I said that already?)
Monster House (DVD) ** Yep, we had to watch at least one of the computer animated movies of 2006. Like most of them it was cute and its always cool to see how they do the animation in this movies.
Little Miss Sunshine (DVD) ***** Mandy and I were trying to see this movie all year. Couldn't find time at the regular theatres or for the month+ that is was at the
Riverview (cheap seats a couple blocks from out house). Anyway, finally saw it and loved it. Now I think it'll be out on loan for a few months.
The Night Listener (Theatre) **** Saw this at the end of the summer after going to like 4 straight blockbusters it was a nice change of pace. It was an
indy film with Robin Williams and was "based on a true story". Pretty good psychological thriller.
The Protector (Theatre) **** If you like
Ong Bak: Thai Warrior then check this out. Tony
Jaa does another awesome movie and more kick ass stunts.
Fearless (DVD) *** A Jet Li Chinese martial art movie much like Hero, House of Flying Daggers etc...It was pretty good but not much different then the other Chinese martial arts movies from the past few years.
The Departed (Theatre) ***** Probably my favorite movie of the year. Can't go wrong with a Scorsese gangster flick and this movie has an awesome cast.
The Prestige (Theatre) **** It seems like Hugh
Jackman and Christian Bale are in a lot of movies including this one. I liked it and really liked how it ended.
Apocalypto (Theatre) ***** Some people hate Mel Gibson right now. I don't care either way as long as he makes good movies and
Apocalypto was one of them. I really liked this movie and if you have a fascination with Mayan culture check this out.
Rocky Balboa (Theatre) **** Stallone made up for a horrible Rocky 5 with a surprisingly decent Rocky 6.
The Good Shepherd (Theatre) ****
DeNiro's directorial debut. Good cast in this one and enjoyed it for the most part. I felt like it could have used a little more action or suspense though.
Children Of Men (Theatre) *** This technically came out in 2006 but not until 2007 around here. Weird movie and in a good way. The plot really makes you think what it would be like it something like that really happened.